S5 Corporate Response - шаблон joomla Книги
Hawaii's Number One Auditor

2013 cpa guide 1The decision to switch auditors is never an easy one. But it's smart for Supervisory Committees to evaluate their options every 3-5 years and decide whether to retain their existing auditor or find a new partner.

The process of selecting an audit partner has become more deliberative since it is one of the most important relationships your credit union has. This key partner plays a pivotal role as the scope of your business evolves and regulatory compliance pressure increase.

The CPA Guide can help you build a better process for evaluating your options.

  • Our one-of-a-kind market share overview highlights the trends in auditor relationships
  • National market share rankings showcase which firms are serving which clientele
  • A state-by-state analysis shows you which auditors might have a better understanding of your market dynamics
  • A core processing listing highlights how many of an auditors clients are using which cores - underscoring their expertise in understanding your reporting
  • Once you've winnowed your potential list, use the individual credit union listings to find credit unions you can call for references.

Callahan & Associates updates this data annually in partnership with the nation's largest audit firms. This comprehensive guide is the only resource of its kind available to credit unions. For more information, contact Sam Brownell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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